Saturday, June 30, 2012


     Oops...major uh-oh, like a big major "oh my god i can't believe this, it is so frustrating, why is this happening to me!?!" uh-oh.
     I couldn't get into my gmail, I couldn't get into anything gmail related (which, I guess, included my blog). So the day after I posted my first blog entry, google decided to throw a hissy fit and be all "HaHaHa sucks to be you, Riku!!!" and GAH!!! Technology and I don't really get along haha but you all should know that.
     Anyways, not much has happened these past few weeks (has it really been weeks!!?!!), other than one of my friends moved an hour away today and i never got to say goodbye. It reaally sucks when someone moves away, I've never been good with good-byes, they always make me really sad. But then again, without good-byes, there would never be any hellos either so I guess they can be a good thing. Right?

     Anyways, I've been working on cleaning up around the house more lately, though it hasn't been working out very well. There is always a lot of stuff that needs to be donated or sold or thown away, but it all has sentimental value so I end up boxing everything and trying to keep it. I know I wouldn't notice it if it was gone, but actually going through the process of getting rid of everything makes me remember it even more. For example, I have a lot of stuffed animals, and each of these animals has a memory (birthdays, Chirstmas, illness, etc..) and when I pick up the animal to put it into the donation box I remember when I got it and how happy I was about it and then I can't get rid of it. I'm a bit of a packrat, as you can tell. Okay, enough about stuffed animals, I'm going to sign off of Blogger now, go read some DBPD or MLIA or something haha another post comming soon..I hope.

     Loggin off, signing off, and going to eat ice cream! Vanilla with caramel and chocolate sauce, if you were wondering, which you probably weren't, so now I just wasted another 3 seconds of your life, followed by another and another and another and I bet you're still reading so time keeps getting wasted and you will never have it back. I feel important now that I just stole your time haha cream?

Friday, June 15, 2012


Hello out there, grand world of blog peoples! I am Riku Twisred, and this is my blog. Okay, so I'm not quite sure what will be here, and what to do with this, but here I am and I am ready to get started.

This is, as you can tell, my first blog. I only started a blog, well, because I didn't have one and I like to try new things haha

So,  here is how this thing will work, I will try to post on here as much as possible, and as I learn more about this website, I will try to make this website as pretty as possible for you peoples out there, too. Let's try not to get our hopes up too high, hough, because I am technilogically impaired..sorry, but it is true.

Okay now, let's start with a little bit about me. I recently graduated high school, i have no plans for college yet, which is pretty bad considering everything................. ^-^ also, I love music, it makes me so happy, but it depends on my mood, if I listen to the wrong song aaat the wrong time, I will hate the song for a while, but I will eventually get over it..most of the time. Let's see, what else, OH!!!! I am horrible at spelling things, I mean, I have misspelled my own name before, how sad is that? So if you find any spelling errors...well, get over it because I would be happier not knowing that you know that I spelled something wrong haha I have no pets, unless you count siblings, because I come from a large family, four brothers and two sister, happily married parents that have never been divorced or seperated (Yes, they are a little older, but I love them because they have their cute moments).

I guess that is all for now, so......haha, uhmmm..I'm not sure how to end this, should I just say "later folks" or "happy blogging" or what?? UGH!!! Why is this so much harder than I thought it would be? Oh well. Challenge Accepted.