Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Hello lovely people! I hope your dreams were very pleasant!

I just wanted to say that I have come to the realization that large amounts of stress + not seeing my boyfriend to calm me down + little food intake + difficulty falling asleep = nightmares
Yes, I have been having nightmares. Lots of them. They started on Thursday night and continued through the weekend which means that I only got about an hour of actual sleep each night (give or take). Thank goodness my boyfriend returned from his trip, calmed me down and made sure I ate a decent meal because when he finally got back late Sunday night I was basically trembling and a ball of nerves. I honestly could not function properly.
Last night was my first night of actual rest, and it was amazing until my alarm went off and I had to get up. I went to bed, fell straight to sleep and slept the whole night without any problem.

Here's hoping that tonight will be the same!
I wish you all happy dreams and glorious rest
Stay Beautiful!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The End Of Summer Classes

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a glorious week (or two).
I know mine was exhausting to say the least.

So Saturday the 25th was my boyfriends birthday, and I ended up getting sick. Yeah, I was sick all weekend and I couldn't return to school until Tuesday which meant that I was missing important details about the last week. The day I went back I realized I had to get 8 pages done in 6 hours including two interviews and background research. I thought the paper was due Wednesday, not Tuesday.
I ended up not getting much sleep all week, which sucks when one is recovering from illness. But now I'm done with my summer school session and I have two weeks to relax and collect myself again before the next semester starts up.

That's all I have to say right now, other than an apology for not posting anything last week.
Have a great last bit of summer, you guys!
Stay Beautiful