Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's A New Year!

I love New Year, it is my favorite holiday, by far. I guess you could say that it is symbolic or something, but I have always seen it as the beginning of a new chapter, the start of something new and exciting like the turning of a page in a great book or something like that. It's when I would normally go through my phone and delete a bunch of people that I don't talk to anymore, it's the time when everyone is more willing to try something new. I gues that includes me as well ^-^
I'm not one who normally makes a NewYearsResolution but I decided to break from my tradition and not make a resolution but rather a change. I want to start working out (*GASP*) I know, MissLazy wants to work out? Do something acive?? Is she quite well???
Yes, I am quite well, I am also beginning to see just how unhealthy my life style is. Truth be told, I'm kind of getting tired of doing nothing and being lazy. I'm going to be trying to post on here everyday and at the bottom of each daily post I'll be completely honest with my activity levels, I'm talking about walks and biking and sit ups, push up jumping jacks, anything and everything that I did. No more being lazy for me. I'm trying to be healthy and active and do something with my life. I want to be different than the rest of my family, I want to be ative and run and be free. I want to be in control of my own future and not have anyone else be able to tell me what I can or cannot do.
I'm not trying to be part of a revolution or anything, I'm just trying to be my own person. I'm trying to change and be better than I was, a Riku2.0 I guess you could say. I've found a great song that I had never heard before today, I wanted to share it with you, before I go. Tell me what you think, it's called Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab ^-^

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