Tuesday, June 30, 2015

MGT - Creatures

Hello everyone, thank you for being patient and letting me work through this very slow process of Magic the Gathering with you, I know a lot of you aren't into it which I completely understand but it's been a huge hit where I live so I wanted to get some more information out there to you all.
Let's talk creatures. Creatures are spell that summon a creature to the field and you get to control it. You can have as many creatures on the field as you want.

Red creatures, generally speaking, are thought of as early game creatures. When someone says red, they think small creatures coming out quickly and in large numbers. Red creatures are generally smaller, but attack constantly and the small damage they do builds up quickly.
White creatures are mid to late game creatures, they deal more with gaining you life and being able to defend as well as attack. My favorite creature type is Angel, and white by far has the most angels so... yeah I will probably have a post simply talking about Angels and which ones I love and why.
Black creatures have more graveyard affects which deal with deathtouch (meaning any combat damage deal by the creature is enough to kill/destroy the other creature) or bringing something back from the grave, occasionally this includes placing cards from your library into your graveyard.
Green creature decks use creatures that have special abilities to create more mana. Obviously, the more mana you have, the bigger and better your creatures can be. They put out numerous mana generating creatures (mother fucking elves!) and use those to put out very large scary creatures earlier in the game. I don't know much about green, I don't touch green I don't talk green I don't play green. Green and I are not friends and we never have been.
Blue also isn't a color I play very often just because it is more of a control color. The creatures in blue have abilities that help draw or control your opponents. Personally, I'm not about that, I think everyone should do their own thing and chaos should run rampant, blue players would disagree, but hey what do I know, I'm just a red player.
Moving on.

Each creature has two numbers at the bottom right hand side of the card. The first number is the power and the second number is the toughness. Basically, the first number is how much damage the creature does and the second number is how much damage a creature can take before it will die.

Creatures can only be played during the first or second main phases of your turn. You must have the mana available in order to cast the creature. There are ways to "cheat" a creature into play by using "Place onto the battlefield" effects.
Creatures attack and block. Between the two main phases, there is an attack phase. Player A declares they want to attack player B with two creatures. One elf and one angel (since those are the two creatures types you know). Player B then gets to decide if he wants to take the damage or if he is going to block. Player B says, "I don't want to take damage from a 4/4 angel, so I will block with my 1/1 bird." (these are the most common power/toughness and abilities for those creatures). The angel does 4 damage to the bird and the bird does 1 damage to the angel, so the bird dies and the angel lives. The elf does 1 damage to player B, so player B would go from 20 to 19 life.

I hope that all makes sense to you, I know it's a lot to cover in such a short post but I know you can all understand it.
I have a shitton of homework to do so I need to get started on that.
I hope you all have a wonderful day,
Stay beautiful everyone!

Monday, June 29, 2015

MTG - Card Layout

Guys tonight I want to go over the card layout. Mostly because it is easy to understand and I am really tired. Let's begin.

Okay so this image comes to us from Wizards.com which is the official Magic website with all of the information on this game and even the origin and lore stories that go along side it. This was honestly the best picture that I could find and I love it not only because it is a red card (which is my color of choice) but also because it is a creature which is what I'll be covering next post.
At the top you see the name of the card. Each card, obviously, has a different name. On the other corner come the mana cost. This one is one red and two colorless which gives it a converted mana cost of three.
The only thing not covered in this picture would, oddly enough, be the picture itself. There can be promotional cards which are a reprint on one card, but with a different art, which are worth more than the original print. Also, cards can be foil which adds cash value to the card.
Personally, I enjoy the flavor text of a card and seeing how it ties into the art, name and abilities. I'm all about that flavor text, guys.

That's all for today, everyone, I need to get some sleep and go crash out on the bed. Such a shame I still have homework to do..
Stay beautiful, everyone!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

MTG - Basic Lands

Hey everyone I hope you're all having a fantastic day!
I just wanted to take up like ten minutes of your lives in order to talk to you all about the basic building block of Magic the Gathering: lands. These are also known as mana and they are the most common way for a player to cast a spell. Other ways to cast a spell would include paying life, discarding from your hand, sacrificing creatures, and other such things that can be in addition to tapping land or even just an alternate cost. Now there are some spell that have a converted mana cost of 0, but we'll get into those later.
Basic land comes in five different type: Plains (white), Island (blue), Swamp (black), Mountain (red), and Forest (green). I will be using a Mountain to explain because I most often play red and I am what is commonly referred to as a "Red Player".
A Mountain can tap for either one red mana, or one colorless mana (meaning the color used to cast the spell is unimportant). Generally speaking, about one third of a players deck should consist of mana while the remaining two thirds contains the spells.
There are more land types than just the basic lands (the five above listed lands), but I'm too exhausted to get into all of that with you right now. Let's just say that some lands can add more than one color and some add none at all O.O crazy right?

Anyway I hope you all have a wonderous night and don't party too hard! I, on the other hand, will be going to class tomorrow and it will be no fun because English. Yes, I'm taking English, it's required for my transfer stop hating.
And once again I'm sorry about the posts that aren't so much about me, I'm just trying to jot down the things I've been thinking about and my boyfriend has been on a HUGE MTG kick lately and then I'm trying to teach one of my friends and she wants to know about the details so I went over lands with her and........it's a long process and I have Magic on the brain.

Moving on.

Stay beautiful everyone!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Magic Takeover

Magic The Gathering is a card game. I've played it for years,  same with my brother. My boyfriend wrote a paper about it and so he interviewed us and he learned how to play and even taught a few of our friends how to play. From there the game exploded at school. Even now, I'm taking my brother with me to a Magic Night with a few of my friends where we are going to play a couple of games and then we'll just hang out and build a cube (I don't have time to explain that right now...) and it will be really nice.
In Magic, or MTG, each player starts with 20 life and a deck of 60+ cards. there are five colors the cards can be and they can also be colorless which means they don't affiliate with any of the colors. Each deck can be one or a combination of these colors. There are creatures, spells, artifacts and other such things and the goal is to bring your opponents life total to zero and/or make them run out of cards in their deck meaning that they can no longer draw a card on their turn.
The game starts with players deciding who will go first (generally by rolling dice, highest roll chooses when they wish to go). Each player draws seven cards from their deck, if they don't like what they have then they can shuffle their entire hand into their deck have and opponent cut the deck and then they draw six cards. This process continues, each time the hand size decreases by one. In the one on one games, the first player does not draw a card on the first round, but in games where there are more than two player, everyone gets to draw on the first turn.
Each turn begins with the untap step which is where all the cards or tokens on your field untap so you can now use them. Then comes the upkeep step which is where any abilities that say "On your upkeep" "During your upkeep" or if an opponent has a card that says "on each opponents upkeep" or "at the next upkeep" happen. After everything has resolved, comes the draw step which is where you take the first card from the top of your deck (which is called your library) and place it into your hand.
Next comes the first main phase which is where you may cast sorcery spells, instants, creatures, enchantments, artifacts, planeswalkers and even place one land onto the field. Then the attack phase where only instants may be cast. Next is the second main phase which is just like the first main phase. Clean up and end of turn comes last. In the next few days I will go over each of the phases, spell types, and give a few of my own personal deck ideas.
I encourage you all to check out Magic the Gathering and try learning how to play. It is a lot of fun, especially if you keep it casual. There are numerous play styles that I will be going over with you all and please please please, if you have any questions comments or concerns just type them out in the comments below.

Have a wonderful day every
Stay beautiful!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Everything is New!

Hello everyone!
I hope you are all doing well, and are not extremely upset with me for not posting here for over a year.  Shit happened, guys, and then (if I can just be honest for a moment) I forgot all about you.  Sorry :(

Well let me just tell you that everything is new.  I feel like I hit to reset button on my life and have just completely started over.  I am still in school, yes, but I changed my major from Art to Psychology.  Big change.  I'm dating this new guy, well, not exactly new.  We've been together for 9 months now and I really do believe that this one will stay for years to come.  I'm on top of my homework and projects, I have a very small weekly income which is a great start to a job (which is one thing that hasn't changed, I still don't have a real stable income).

I've been challenging myself in school lately, I took a four week statistics class where I sat for four hour a day, four days a week.  I was so bored out of my mind and tired because I was getting up at six for this class, I was more than glad when it finally ended.  Now I'm in a six week summer course with two classes, child development and English which covers critical thinking and the structure of argument.  I'm not sure how well you all remember, but I am not big on arguments so this class will probably be really difficult for me.

Well, thank you all for just accepting the fact that I'm a terrible person and might forget that I have a little blog to keep up to date.  I'm going to try to post on here more often (I know, you all doubt that this will actually happen), probably at night.  Let me warn you now that it will probably be short rants about homework assignments, Magic decks I've put together, summaries of my day, and other such boring things.  Please bear with me though because I want to get into the habit of posting frequently before I start putting more time into writing out long interesting things for you all.

Have a wonderful week!
Stay beautiful!